Sunday, February 13, 2011

the sun shines on birthdays!

ok, I'm not gonna lie. the majority of our trip has been traipsing from cafe to cafe, in search of the perfect soy latte, the perfect cookie and the perfect nook to sit and play cards for a couple of hours. so far, the success rate has been high. mmm cookies.

i think i speak for both of us when i say cafe retro is our favourite - nookiest couches and chocolateiest cookiest cookies. (to give you an idea, they don't really break in half, but bend like toffee. i would very much like one now.)

anyway, why should my birthday be any different, if but for MORE cafes, cookies and lazy good times? unfortunately there was less shopping satisfaction than planned, but was made up for with smashing sunshine (freezing temperature of course - see above for Kent breaking ice in the gutter. In fact, the last two days, we have been jumping on anything frozen and then giggling like schoolgirls. We have also been throwing pinches [there are pinches -no more, no less] of snow at each other and squealing "SNOW FIGHT!") and a clear blue sky.

and yes, that would be a frozen canal. it is more frozen than it appears.

creepy man statue covered in babies. and a sphinx. of course.

my birthday dinner - good old fashioned vegie pasta, accompanied by some very nasty but very french wine (so it was ok that it was nasty of course). we seem to have fallen into a habit of eating mostly yellow food here: bread, cheese, butter, eggs, bananas, honey, pasta, onions. kent plans on moving into a blue phase on the next leg of the trip, though i am pretty sure that has more to do with having a good excuse to eat blue cheese than anything else.

yes - blue cheese is indeed on the cards. i was thinking more like blue as the opposite complimentary colour of yellow. blueberries.... um..... blue M&ms.... um.... ok that's all i can think of !!

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