haha - nice try lu
can't resist a kent-style play on words for a post title eh!?
can't resist a kent-style play on words for a post title eh!?
Oh wait no, he's too busy posing.
fyi, i don't pose.
i just happen to naturally respond to camera proximity.
and your post title is more than suitably silly for our standards.
(grasping for straws a bit there aren't we?)
Berlin: always ahead of the crowd. I am pretty sure this was for sale.
"Being cool is so un-cool now. It is better to be un-cool - that is cool" (direct quote from my hairdresser.)
NOW. For our beloved readers, there appears to be some small confusion! For those who are reading this from their email rather than online, I would just like to reiterate that any text in RED (like now) is a LUCY comment, and any text in BLACK (like that) is a KENT comment. Just so you don't think one of us is writing the whole schizophrenic thing. Wow, I can spell schizophrenic! I didn't know!
Love Lucy (I did, however, just make a typo on my own name. But I fixed it. Sigh.)
yeah man, you can totes tell the dodgy grammar is mos def lucy's. Fuck you.
Anyway. Kent and I have discovered some truths, mostly about ourselves. One is, that we are every bit the gigantic Yuppies we always feared and despised. This is a little bit upsetting. But what can you do? So today we may have accidentally gone on an out-of-control shopping spree around Mitte.
Mitte cops a lot these days, because it is 'so cool' and 'so touristy' that it is 'so shit'. But it's not! Well maybe, I suppose because we were there ... being so cool ... and so touristy ... and so shit. I mean, it is quite nice. There is quite a lot of quite cool street art which plasters the uglier bits of nicer buildings.
We checked out the Jewish quarter (well, the ex-jewish quarter really) and found some amazing architecture. Then went inside and KA-BOOM accidentally bought clothes. I do believe tourists are the only ones with multiple (or any) shopping bags in Berlin, I felt very conspicuous. And very yuppie. It was a new, rather unpleasant sensation. Odd.
note: hand-held camera in hand (we should have seen it coming).
erk! look at me. the 1990s version of me wants to kick myself in the balls right now.
Haha, your past self thinks you're a loser Kent!
no no, not a loser, maybe a sell out though.
There is a heap of paste ups adorning the streets, smiling down on you from crumbly buildings.
ok well this one was smiling up from the building, what with being near the ground and all ...
It ain't Berlin without Bowie. He is pasted on the walls and seems to be playing in every shop you walk into. Power to Bowie.
i don't even know WHAT this is - fairy? child? turnip? all of the above? I LOVE it!
Little nooks lead to slightly bigger nooks, where one would expect beer to happen a little later (this we may check out).
Found yet some more nice cafe goodness, enjoyed my sojamilch cappuccino (thank you very much) - though did I mention Germans don't put chocolate dust on cappuccino's here?! What the hell?!
i'm cool with that actually. if you want chocolate, order a heiss Schokolade.
besides, i consumed hot chocolate everyday for a month, time for a break.
(this excludes the amazing milka daim blocks of pure heaven chocolate gross)
It's not the point. I don't even drink cappuccinos usually, cuz they are too frothy,
but here they are made like flat whites. So that is why you get them. Duh.
The ever-elusive TV Tower. The creepy thing is that this thing is like the sun. It doesn't matter where the hell we are in the city, we can ALWAYS see it and it is ALWAYS that far away. We can't seem to get any closer to the damn thing! But it is great to know "oh we're near the TV tower, so we must be ... near ... somewhere."
Kent having a rather vintage-blog moment.
(Can you even say vintage-blog? Well that's new. Or old. Gaaah.)
jebus, i look like a giant in that chair. what i wouldn't do for a decent arm chair in this place!
Made it home in time for some very sweet drawing sessions and cups of tea. Our bird paste ups are on their merry way (slowly slowly - at this stage I usually get about a third of the way through one, and then decide I don't like it anymore and want to try something different. And that is why I am now over here, typing about thinking about making things, rather than just doing it. I have purchased a (yuppie) notebook so that I can write these ideas down myself, rather than bombard you guys!
yeah, what's with that? finish a damn bird already.
It's fucking finished! Fucker!!!
and again, liking moleskine, acid-free paper notebooks, does not a yuppie make.
who wants to draw on toilet paper?
bogans - that's who.
Kent ... I don't think anybody draws on toilet paper ...
though you certainly could here, what with the toilet paper being like fricken cardboard.
In other vital news, Kent has FIXED his headphones (there was a previous incident, that went something like "oh my headphones aren't really working properly, I know, I will just cut them open with a pair of scissors, oh no, I broke them - *sob"), which I know you were all waiting with baited breath to hear about. The above is pure, unadulterated Kent joy. There is a film of this, which I hope I will figure out how to post shortly.
in my defence, they were actually fucked. the inside, sealed plastic jack connection was cactus
and there was 2 alternatives:
1. chuck 'em
2. fix 'em
i'm a sculptor (oh god here we go) so it's an unwritten law that i should be able to concoct something. and, i must blow my own trumpet here, coz the internal wiring was enamel coated, which means you cannot simply twist positive and positive together, negative and negative together, and kapow, they work (which is the standard way, with speaker wires). so, with some clever work with a scalpel (thanks lu), the delicate positioning of a cigarette lighter and some gaffa tape - voila! - fixed baby!!
Kent in his brand-new leisure suit.
side note: if i wear a certain combination of all my new clothes,
i am the very epitome of the eastern european ketamine/ghb dealer. it's a bit tragic really.
see !! -
I would like to note that this photo was voluntarily posted by Kent.
only to illustrate a point, dear.
plus, i be one groovy mofo.
(eeew - i made myself vomit a little)
Another great day for our heroes, ducking here and there, drinking coffee, donating our services to the economy, and doing what we generally do best (moseying and indulging) - thanks Berlin! You are SO un-cool!! (Meaning you are cool. I think.)
i just happen to naturally respond to camera proximity.
and your post title is more than suitably silly for our standards.
(grasping for straws a bit there aren't we?)
"Being cool is so un-cool now. It is better to be un-cool - that is cool" (direct quote from my hairdresser.)
NOW. For our beloved readers, there appears to be some small confusion! For those who are reading this from their email rather than online, I would just like to reiterate that any text in RED (like now) is a LUCY comment, and any text in BLACK (like that) is a KENT comment. Just so you don't think one of us is writing the whole schizophrenic thing. Wow, I can spell schizophrenic! I didn't know!
Love Lucy (I did, however, just make a typo on my own name. But I fixed it. Sigh.)
yeah man, you can totes tell the dodgy grammar is mos def lucy's. Fuck you.
Anyway. Kent and I have discovered some truths, mostly about ourselves. One is, that we are every bit the gigantic Yuppies we always feared and despised. This is a little bit upsetting. But what can you do? So today we may have accidentally gone on an out-of-control shopping spree around Mitte.
look, i wouldn't call myself a yuppie, per se.
yuppies, to my mind are more generally associated with
housing investments, share portfolios and careerism.
but, it is fair to say, we do like things to be
clean, generally well-ordered and made with care and consideration.
Ah but this is the new yuppie Kent. I don't think people who use the term 'yuppie' even know what terms such as housing investments, share portfolios and careerism, even mean. Yuppie is now for people like us (people who say they are artists or creative types who swan around sipping their lattes while clutching several shopping bags and an iphone.) - it's ok. Anyone else have a view? How interesting!
i am not, nor ever will be, a yuppie. no sirree.yuppies, to my mind are more generally associated with
housing investments, share portfolios and careerism.
but, it is fair to say, we do like things to be
clean, generally well-ordered and made with care and consideration.
Ah but this is the new yuppie Kent. I don't think people who use the term 'yuppie' even know what terms such as housing investments, share portfolios and careerism, even mean. Yuppie is now for people like us (people who say they are artists or creative types who swan around sipping their lattes while clutching several shopping bags and an iphone.) - it's ok. Anyone else have a view? How interesting!
Mitte cops a lot these days, because it is 'so cool' and 'so touristy' that it is 'so shit'. But it's not! Well maybe, I suppose because we were there ... being so cool ... and so touristy ... and so shit. I mean, it is quite nice. There is quite a lot of quite cool street art which plasters the uglier bits of nicer buildings.
We checked out the Jewish quarter (well, the ex-jewish quarter really) and found some amazing architecture. Then went inside and KA-BOOM accidentally bought clothes. I do believe tourists are the only ones with multiple (or any) shopping bags in Berlin, I felt very conspicuous. And very yuppie. It was a new, rather unpleasant sensation. Odd.
erk! look at me. the 1990s version of me wants to kick myself in the balls right now.
Haha, your past self thinks you're a loser Kent!
no no, not a loser, maybe a sell out though.
There is a heap of paste ups adorning the streets, smiling down on you from crumbly buildings.
It ain't Berlin without Bowie. He is pasted on the walls and seems to be playing in every shop you walk into. Power to Bowie.
Little nooks lead to slightly bigger nooks, where one would expect beer to happen a little later (this we may check out).
Found yet some more nice cafe goodness, enjoyed my sojamilch cappuccino (thank you very much) - though did I mention Germans don't put chocolate dust on cappuccino's here?! What the hell?!
i'm cool with that actually. if you want chocolate, order a heiss Schokolade.
besides, i consumed hot chocolate everyday for a month, time for a break.
(this excludes the amazing milka daim blocks of pure heaven chocolate gross)
It's not the point. I don't even drink cappuccinos usually, cuz they are too frothy,
but here they are made like flat whites. So that is why you get them. Duh.
The ever-elusive TV Tower. The creepy thing is that this thing is like the sun. It doesn't matter where the hell we are in the city, we can ALWAYS see it and it is ALWAYS that far away. We can't seem to get any closer to the damn thing! But it is great to know "oh we're near the TV tower, so we must be ... near ... somewhere."
(Can you even say vintage-blog? Well that's new. Or old. Gaaah.)
jebus, i look like a giant in that chair. what i wouldn't do for a decent arm chair in this place!
Made it home in time for some very sweet drawing sessions and cups of tea. Our bird paste ups are on their merry way (slowly slowly - at this stage I usually get about a third of the way through one, and then decide I don't like it anymore and want to try something different. And that is why I am now over here, typing about thinking about making things, rather than just doing it. I have purchased a (yuppie) notebook so that I can write these ideas down myself, rather than bombard you guys!
yeah, what's with that? finish a damn bird already.
It's fucking finished! Fucker!!!
and again, liking moleskine, acid-free paper notebooks, does not a yuppie make.
who wants to draw on toilet paper?
bogans - that's who.
Kent ... I don't think anybody draws on toilet paper ...
though you certainly could here, what with the toilet paper being like fricken cardboard.
In other vital news, Kent has FIXED his headphones (there was a previous incident, that went something like "oh my headphones aren't really working properly, I know, I will just cut them open with a pair of scissors, oh no, I broke them - *sob"), which I know you were all waiting with baited breath to hear about. The above is pure, unadulterated Kent joy. There is a film of this, which I hope I will figure out how to post shortly.
in my defence, they were actually fucked. the inside, sealed plastic jack connection was cactus
and there was 2 alternatives:
1. chuck 'em
2. fix 'em
i'm a sculptor (oh god here we go) so it's an unwritten law that i should be able to concoct something. and, i must blow my own trumpet here, coz the internal wiring was enamel coated, which means you cannot simply twist positive and positive together, negative and negative together, and kapow, they work (which is the standard way, with speaker wires). so, with some clever work with a scalpel (thanks lu), the delicate positioning of a cigarette lighter and some gaffa tape - voila! - fixed baby!!
side note: if i wear a certain combination of all my new clothes,
i am the very epitome of the eastern european ketamine/ghb dealer. it's a bit tragic really.
see !! -
only to illustrate a point, dear.
plus, i be one groovy mofo.
(eeew - i made myself vomit a little)
Another great day for our heroes, ducking here and there, drinking coffee, donating our services to the economy, and doing what we generally do best (moseying and indulging) - thanks Berlin! You are SO un-cool!! (Meaning you are cool. I think.)
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